Facial Aesthetics at Brunner Court Dental & Implant Practice in Northwich, Cheshire

At Brunner Court Dental & Implant Practice we use facial aesthetic treatments to enhance your natural beauty and rejuvenate your skin, giving you a more youthful and radiant look.

Facial rejuvenation treatments are used to help soften expression lines and define facial contours either by the careful use of wrinkle relaxation injections or injectable fillers.

Anyone can benefit from facial aesthetic treatments, both men and women and we can help you look and feel your best

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are used for deep lines and wrinkles. Our face naturally loses collagen as we age with natural lines and wrinkles deepening due to sun exposure, air pollution, lifestyle and even stress.

Dermal fillers will help

  • soften facial wrinkles
  • plump thin lips
  • restore volume and fullness in the face
  • improve the appearance of recessed scars
  • fill hollows
  • enhance sunken cheeks
  • smooth the contours of your face

Facial fillers are the non-surgical way to achieve younger looking skin.

How dermal fillers work
Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are injected in small, controlled doses with an ultra-fine needle just under the surface of skin of the area to be treated. This fills out deepened areas and lines to give a smoother, firmer and more refreshed appearance making you look more youthful. Depending on the type of dermal filler used, results can last from 9 to 24 months.

Anti-wrinkle treatment

Anti-Wrinkle injections, commonly known as Botulinum toxin are treatments used to reduce facial lines and wrinkles. They can also be used to prevent headaches/ migraines and treat excessive sweating on the hands, feet, armpits or feet.

The Botulinum toxin works by relaxing the overactive muscles in the face which can cause wrinkles and lines. During the treatment we will insert an ultrafine needle into the muscles to administer the toxin, relaxing the muscles for a period of 3-6 months. In some cases, the effects can last much longer but this is dependent on your skin type and lifestyle.

How Anti-wrinkle injections work
Toxin injections help to reduce the signs of ageing by plumping up and restoring the skin’s youthful volume, creating a smoother and fuller look whilst maintaining natural facial expression. They can reduce worry lines, crow’s feet, frown and laughter lines as well as giving a natural eyebrow lift for that more awake look.

Botulinum Toxin injections have been safely used now for over 15 years and are becoming a common and popular treatment to prevent wrinkles amongst women and men today. The treatment’s aim is to break the habit of frowning and squinting by relaxing the muscles used to do so, reducing the appearance of the lines and also helping to prevent the further development of future facial lines.

Facial Rejuvenation Fees

Botox – two areas £225.00
Botox – three areas £250.00
Naso-labial £200.00
Derma Fillers – Lips £200.00
Derma Fillers – Marionette Lines £200.00

Ready to get the smile you always wanted?